Monday, April 28, 2008

2 Months

Hey my sweet angel. Mommy loves you. Today you would have been 2 months old. Its hard for me to believe that you've been gone that long. It seems like just yesterday we heard the news. I thought of you a lot this week. Amother mommy I know also road rollercoasters when they were pregnant not knowing it. Do you remember the rollercoasters? I bet you had your little hands up like your mommy usually does. We did a walk for you this weekend. It was so beautiful outside and made me feel like I was close to you. Daddy and Mommy miss you. I can't wait until I can see your beautiful face and hold you once again. I long to hold you in my arms and I'm sure if you were here I would spoil you so much. I love you baby girl, Happy 2 Months.

1 comment:

B's Mom said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My daughter's two month anniversary is fast approaching and I'm dreading it.

Songs for Isabelle